Quadprog and Ardupilot


Im working in a control theory project with an Erle-Copter. I’m using Ardupilot libraries to read drone info and control the vehicle; I’m using a MPC method, so I have so minimize a quadratic function.

I want to use a C++ library like CGAL or Alglib. I tried to install CGAL in the Raspberry, using apt-get. After that I can compile simple CGAL examples using g++ command.

Then I tried to include simples CGAL functions in Ardupilot examples and native compile using waf, as Erle recomends in documentation. But I get a Link error like: “undefined reference to CGAL”.

  • Is there a way to link new installed libraries with APM libraries?
  • Is there a better quadprog library to use with Ardupilot?
