Have been using ArduPlane and ArduCopter with RF9 on a Windows machine and SITL on another Linux machine. Works fine for Plane and Quadcopter.
Problem: When I try to run QuadPlane, nothing seems to respond? i.e. No data is being fed back to Linux machine. I also can’t seem to hover the model in RF9.
The command line I use is: sim_vehicle.py - f quadplane flightaxis: --map --console
In RF9 I am using Big Stik QuadPlane APM - rev7_AV.RFX
you will have to also load the big stik params, i think -f quadplane loads the default quadplane params each time, better to run from the plane directory with . ./Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -f flightaxis: --map --console
Thanks Peter. Its strange, when running plane it works perfectly. When I include the “quadplane” switch I can’t seem to get a connection with the RF9 Windows machine.
When its running normally in plane I see the following message: