Quad Spins Out of Control at takeoff

OK so i have a question. Just purchased a Pixhawk with all the options. Slowly figuring out how everything works. I have a possible problem. I built a Predator frame. I setup everything to match the diagrams on the 3dr instruction sheet. Have the front to motors spinning toward each other at the front and the rears the opposite just like on the instructions shown for the iris. After setting everything up, the maiden resulted in a uncontrollable spin on takeoff. I tried everything but couldn’t get anything to change. Re-calibrated the esc’s, reloaded firmware, checked balance on props, re-calibrated the radio, etc…nothing.

In a last ditch effort, I swapped the left props for the right props and reversed all the motors. So basically everything is spinning opposite of what it is supposed to be.

To my surprise the next attempt to take off resulted in a perfect hover. Was able to fly around well and was decently stable. Loiter worked well. RTL worked. Its a little shaky at times but for the most part more than flyable.

Wondering if anyone has any idea why this is? I mean I am happy it’s working, but still concerned as to why everything has to be backwards to work, and if there is going to be any downfall to the way it is working.

Sounds like a motor position/order/direction error to me.

Are you motors exactly as per copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/motor-setup/

Its not just a matter of front props being opposite direction, all motor numbers need to be in correct position and direction as per the wiki

[quote=“RabbitStu”]Sounds like a motor position/order/direction error to me.

Are you motors exactly as per copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/motor-setup/

Its not just a matter of front props being opposite direction, all motor numbers need to be in correct position and direction as per the wiki[/quote]

Okay, so I checked the motor positions, and everything is correct there. I am wondering about the quad type I should use. This is maybe more like a quad H that the iris. Maybe that is the issue? The arms come out at and angle and not completely straight light a true, but the length of the body makes it possibly more like an H than the iris style.

Which one do you think I should use for this frame?


X/+ or H setting won’t cause spinning out of control (unless you have a very very floppy frame) unless you are using a motor layout/direction for one and arducopter settings for the other.

I would say it is closer to X though. H has the cross bar of the H going side ways not along ways Aassuming the long axis of the frame is forward/backwards?).

An H will still fly with X setting motors are set in the correct direction for X, its just not optimal as I understand it tries to twist the frame.

You say you checked positions, have you checked directions? Are you comparing the wiki diagrams as looking from above? How fast is it spinning?

Also posting a dataflash log file may help someone to diagnose your issue if it isn;t a motor position direction fault.


Agreed. This is obviously a frame-type mismatch, and the OP has not provided logs nor indicated which frame type he has selected.