I have built a quadcopter with omnibus f4 without GPS and with compass and a hexacopter with Pixhawk with GPS. All settings are done correctly and there are no problems in the calibration of flight control, RC, etc. My problem with both birds is that after flying in stabilization mode, unfortunately, it is not stable and it constantly moves in different directions at high speed, and if I don’t stop it, it will fall immediately. Where do you think the problem is?
The pilot in control of the sticks? Stabilize mode requires constant stick input.
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If you want it to use GPS to stay in place you need to:
- Configure it correctly using something like ArduPilot methodic configuartor software
- Have a good GPS fix
- Use loiter flight mode
Tank you
After taking off with the Radiolink At10 radio controller, the bird starts making crazy movements in less than three or four seconds.
Also, can you tell me the constant values for the stabilize mode?
No. Take @amilcarlucas advise and start over using the configurator.
Thanks @dkemxr .
Beginners always want to take the fastest shortcuts to crash faster, I guess
He did not even click on the link I provided
@Mo.kh Do not skip any of the three steps!
I was on my way home I just opened my laptop and am ready to make changes
Tanks. I do it now