I am flying an s500 quad with a Pixhawk 2.4.8 with Arducopter 4.0.3 installed that does not slow down to the 30 Land speed setting of 30 set in mission planner at the end of an Auto mission. For some reason it doesn’t change from the wp/nav dn speed. Appreciate any help. Ill add a log.
This happened because the drone’s altitude estimate was incorrect. The drone thought it was higher than it actually was - by the end of the flight, it was off by about 12 meters, so it never entered the “land slow” stage.
This seems to have been caused by your barometer, as it follows the altitude estimate exactly. This could have several causes, such as unstable baro temperature - you can see a big drop in baro temp as soon as the drone takes off.
What barometer (or what flight controller) are you using? Some sensors are much more sensitive to temperature and sunlight than others.
The FC is Pixhawk clone 2.4.8 its suppose to have the MS5611 barometer which I understand is one of the better ones used in some of the clone FC’S but who knows. Im guessing there isn’t a way of fixing this.
There should be a way to fix it, it’s just hard to guess what the problem is exactly without seeing the build.
You can test if the temperature is the problem by turning on disarmed logging (LOG_DISARMED
= 1) heating/cooling the FC (with a hair dryer)?
Also of course it could be an effect of prop wash. Try flying the drone and bounce the drone a bit by pulsing the throttle. See if that affects your barometer in the log.
Finally, some baros are known to be sensitive to light, is your FC exposed to sunlight? You can probably test that also with disarmed logging.