Pymavlink "set_position_target" sets altitude but not horizontal position

Hi. I am using a Raspberry Pi to send real time global position commands to an Ardupilot. The command method I am using is mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_set_position_target_global_int_message. However, the requested message (master.recv_match(type='POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT', blocking=True)) from the Ardupilot suggests that only the altitude target is set successfully. I have also tried to send commands to a fixed-wing drone in SITL, and the result is the same.

The code is as follows:

import time
# Import mavutil
from pymavlink import mavutil
import numpy as np

master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcp:localhost:5762', baud=57600)

# Make sure the connection is valid
print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" %
      (master.target_system, master.target_component))

# Run the acquisition
run = True
# Time at boot
t0 = time.time()

while run:
    attitude_dat = master.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True)
    roll_pitch_yaw_raw = np.array([attitude_dat.roll, attitude_dat.pitch, attitude_dat.yaw])
    roll_pitch_yaw = np.rad2deg(roll_pitch_yaw_raw)
    position_dat = master.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', blocking=True)
    lat_lon = np.array([, position_dat.lon]) / 1e7  # Conversion factor
    # Get relative altitude and vertical speed
    alt_vz = np.array([position_dat.relative_alt, position_dat.vz]) / 1e3

    # Ensure time_boot_ms is an integer (milliseconds since boot)
    time_boot_ms = int((time.time() - t0) * 1000)
        time_boot_ms,  # time_boot_ms should be an integer
        5, 3576, 
        353621474,  # Ensure latitude is an integer
        1491651746,  # Ensure longitude is an integer
        45, # Flight height in meters  
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    pos_setpoint = master.recv_match(type='POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT', blocking=True)
    print(f'Roll angle: {roll_pitch_yaw[0]}, Pitch angle: {roll_pitch_yaw[1]}, Yaw angle: {roll_pitch_yaw[2]}')
    print(f'Latitude: {lat_lon[0]}, Longitude: {lat_lon[1]}')
    print(f'Height: {alt_vz[0]}, Vert speed: {alt_vz[1]}')

The output looks like this:

{'mavpackettype': 'POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT', 'time_boot_ms': 280344, 'coordinate_frame': 0, 'type_mask': 65016, 'lat_int': (home position), 'lon_int': (home position), 'alt': 45.0, 'vx': 0.0, 'vy': 0.0, 'vz': 0.0, 'afx': 0.0, 'afy': 0.0, 'afz': 0.0, 'yaw': 0.0, 'yaw_rate': 0.0}
Roll angle: 50.12220941273635, Pitch angle: -1.1132439950839157, Yaw angle: -107.35024027944132
Latitude: (my position), Longitude: (my position)
Height: 42.7, Vert speed: 0.0

The target coordinates are not set properly and are for the home location.

I have even tried the following lines from MAVProxy, but nothing changes but the altitude target:

        time_boot_ms,  # time_boot_ms should be an integer
        5, 3576, 
        353621474,  # Ensure latitude is an integer
        1491651746,  # Ensure longitude is an integer
        45, # Flight height in meters  
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Any help will be greatly appreciated.