PX4 I/O on-board power module and alternatives

The PX4 suddenlyshut down. On restart it gave what seemed to be a “no firmware” tone. I reflashed the SD card and it now gives the “firmware detected - hold down arming button on startup” tone, but the arming button doesn’t seem to work. The red light in the arming button doesn’t turn on, and neither do any of the LEDs on the IO board itself.

The log file on the SD card currently says "No PX4IO board found
Failed to start rgbled driver ".

The power supply on the IO board gets VERY hot, very quickly, and there’s a burning smell.

The power supply heats up even when the IO board is disconnected from the FMU and has nothing else plugged in.

Is it possible to bypass the on-board power module and supply power through the servo output rail via a BEC?

To remove the on-board module entirely is it just a matter of desoldering the big pins that hold it to the board?

Your description seems like a damaged IO board, but if you want to bypass the on-board power module,
the PX4FMU has a VDD_5V and GND in the 15 pins multi connector, where you can power with a 5V BEC and will also power the IO board, [color=#FF0000]try this at your own risk[/color].

Here the PX4FMU manual:
pixhawk.org/_media/modules/px4fm … l-v1.6.pdf