Hello, I have installed a UART-based radar on my hexacopter. However, when I attempt to change the parameters to enable the radar (PRX1 type), the value remains fixed and cannot be modified. During ground tests, the proximity scope detects obstacles, but during flight, the radar doesn’t respond or detect anything because the PRX1_type is fixed at 4.
Firmware: Arducopter 4.4.4
Radar: Microbrain Obstacle Avoidance Radar (UART)
GCS: Mission planner tried with QGCS also but of no use.
Parameters to enable the radar:
serialX_baud: 115
serialX_port: 11
PRX1_type: 6
Have you tested it with ArduCopter 4.6.0-beta1? Does it work then?
Software is not Port wine. Old software does not get new features as it ages!
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