Can I program the drone to Auto Take off strait upward, Hover for 30sec at the desired altitude and Land strait down? How can i do that using mission planner?
Could you please help me anyone?
I need to have an autonomous drone without a controller
Can I program the drone to Auto Take off strait upward, Hover for 30sec at the desired altitude and Land strait down? How can i do that using mission planner?
Could you please help me anyone?
I need to have an autonomous drone without a controller
Thanks for your reply
I need to build a quadcopter that can fly up to the ceiling, hover about 1 foot below a smoke sensor for 30 seconds, and then return to its starting position. Is it possible to achieve this using Mission Planner?
just need the vertical movement
Can use one camera facing upwards to detect the smoke sensor?
Consider this one is indoor, so there’s no gps? I have to use vision control? can i use only one camera facing upwards is enough for stability ?
Thank you
Indoor there is no reliable GPS signal.
Yes, you do.
No, it is not enough.
Do you have any supporting documentation to achieve my objectives?
google: “arducopter GPS denied”
The wiki is your friend. Use it.
@Allister @amilcarlucas Thanks. I will learn first.
You will need an RC system anyway to configure and tune the craft. Plan on it.
Could you please explain how does this is tracking the position using the camera?
I have no experience with that system. The link you posted has many articles and instructions. Start reading.