Thank you for your respond.
I have been trying to change the RCMAP settings, but no luck.
I read the instruction for the PX4 and it is the way I have done it.
The changed values are stored on the APM2.6 but they don’t have any effect!
I tried the PPM receiver as well as a PWM receiver. In both cases, values are stored but they are not taking in account.
I also uploaded the ArduPlane software and tired to do it again - same resault.
Can you confirm this problem?
The only way for me to get the right stick to control the throttle and roll is to change the pins on the receiver using the PWM setup.
Here is my configuration:
Receiver (GR-24 / radio mode 2) -> APM2.6
ch1 - left stick up/down -> input 2 (want to use later for gimbal tilt control)
ch2 - right stick left right (roll) -> input 1
ch3 - right stick up/down (throttle) -> input 3
ch4 - left stick left/right -> not connected
ch5 - mode switch -> input 5
ch6 - learning switch -> input 6
Full Parameter list (APM2.6)
Here I tried to swap the value for roll and throttle - changes saved but still no change in control!
BUT i can change the setting for the switch assignment - I using ch5 for mode switch (default 8) and ch6 for learning switch (default 7).
Anyway - using these settings gives me control of the rover using just the right stick.
I have been able to get the rover running very nice and responsive using the following settings:
Roll reversed in MP
As you said, when using the Sabertooth controller in mixing mode the above values should be 0.
That means if I understand this correct:
Output 1 - steering (roll /apm ch1 / radio ch2 - right stick left right) connected to S1 on the controller
Output 3 - throttle (throttle / apm ch3 / radio ch3 - right stick up/down) connected to S2 on the controller
With these setting the manual mode is great but auto mode the rover drives not stright is goes radically left right left right like the tail of a duck when walking and he goes around in circles, changing directions but not following the waypoints.
On the Forum I found the post Sabertooth 2x60 setup & configuration
Ben described exactly the behavior of my rover:
[quote]When I setup some waypoints, upload them, and put the rover in auto, it starts off left-right-left-right erratically then smooths out.
It will sometimes eventually get to a way point but gets there in a very round about way taking really wide sweeping turns. Sometimes just goes around in a wide circle.[/quote]
He was able to fix this behaviour by changing the “D” to zero on the heading2steer and servo2steer parameters.
But I cannot find these parameters in the full parameter list?
I also recognized that on the APM:Rover Pids screen the section for Heading 2 steer is missing.
I think it has to do with the changes to the code for Ardurover2.43 am I right?
Here are my settings I got together by using the instruction of Tuning steering and navigation for a Rover:
• STEER2SRV_P = 0.100
• TURN_MAX_G = 2
I also tried to set Seer 2 Servo D=0, changed L1 Control - Turn Control from 1 to 60 without any recognizable changes. L1 Damping changes also didn’t do much for me.
To make sure that the compass or gps is the reason why the rover acts so badly I disabled/ enabled them but the didn’t make a different to the duck walk style.
Next I tried to activate the skid_steer_in / out to see if this solves the duck walk.
I set the engine controller to independent mode (S1 for left / S2 for right)
skid_steer_in =1 skid_steer_out =1 -> throttle controls right skid, roll left skit
skid_steer_in =1 skid_steer_out =0 -> not working, control is there but not useful
skid_steer_in =0 skid_steer_out =1-> good control when driving forwards, backwards - nothing. When using just full roll, left or right it turn nearly on spot. Center of rotation is about 2cm left of the APM board for full left AND right.
None of the above skid setting are any good to control the rover.
I wanted to go back to the old settings and I set the controller back to mixing mode but i forgot to change back skid_steer_in and out to 0
Guess what! The rover dives perfectly in Manual AND auto mode - no duck walk anymore.
In auto mode the rover drives straight.
This confuses me, I thought setting skid_steer to 1 means output1 left engine and output2 right engine but having the sabertooth in mixing mode he things he get on S1 steering and S2 thottle.
So how can this work?
But it getting better.
Before the latest setting the rover did his duck walk in auto mode but at least he was following roughly the waypoints and event stop at the end.
Now the rover drives great but with a mind of his own. He takes of and would disappear into the distance if I wouldn’t stop him. Putting him in RTL doesn’t work either.
I disabled compass - no good
I disabled GPS - no good either
I came across the setting COMPASS_ORIENT where you can set the orientation of the external compass in relation to the apm board. This value is set to 8 (roll180)!?
Because the apm board and the compass both pointing in the same direction I tried value 0:none.
It changed the rover behavior but still doesn’t follow the way points.
Right know I have no idea anymore what to do.
I hope you have some input for me