Problems with optical flow (mateksys optical flow + lidar)

Hello everybody,
I have some problems with an optical flow module (mateksys).
I tried everything (including changing optical flow orientation), but bodyx and flowx still have an inverted signal (the same with bodyy and flowy).
Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Or does this not matter?
By the way, my flight controller is upside down, but i changed the orientation of it in the software ofcourse.
I included some pictures of my logs, i hope somebody knows what to do :slight_smile:

This is a log of bodyxflowx and gyrx with the optical flow backwards:

This is a log of bodyxflowx and gyrx with the optical flow in the normal direction:

This is a log of bodyyflowy and gyry with the optical flow backwards:

This is a log of bodyyflowy and gyry with the optical flow in the normal direction: