Doing my first ardupilot build and have encountered numerous issues and have solved all but one of them. The hardware listing for the kakute f7 mini lists a current sensor, which in actuality it does not have. I am using my board in combination with a brainfpv radix li wing pdb, which has a current sensor. I have the current sense wired up correctly between them, but cannot get any current reading. I am starting to think its down to the hardware page listing the [BATT_CURR_PIN] as 12. In fact the whole battery monitoring settings seem to be just copied from the kakute f7/aio. Also the pdb lists 50mv/A, and so I also tried entering the BATT_AMP_PERVLT to 20 with no success. If I am correct in my assumption the wrong pin is listed, how do I determine the correct one? Has anyone successfully gotten external current monitoring working on this board? PS I am new to this so go easy on me.