Problem with waypoints

Hey everyone greetings from Greece!!
I’ve got a little project going on, its a grass cutter that we made with my uncle to use in our kiwi field .
The problem that we currently have is that when it reaches any waypoint (going from point to point),it doesn’t just goes direct to other point it stops turns right then turns straight again and then keeps moving to the next point.
We use mission planner for the project and forr gps we have the here 4 module.
Any ideas how to solve the prroblem ?

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Can you post a dataflash logfile (Logs — Rover documentation) of this occurring?

(This is the logfile on the SD card)

Yeah i can .
here you go : (541.9 KB)

A few things:

  • WP_RADIUS is set to 0, which isn’t good. Try 0.5
  • Has the vehicle been tuned?
  • I really need a log from the vehicle’s SD card. The log your provided above is from the GCS laptop, which doesn’t have the detail I need
  • Can you collect a log with the vehicle in ACRO mode? This should show if there’s any issues in the low-level setup.

I will try to sent you new logs this week and see from there on .
This ones are the ones i found now , th WP_RADIUS has been changed to 0.5.

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FYSA, WP_RADIUS no longer has any effect on pivot turns.


I have the files but they are too big to sent here
Can you share an email so I can provide you those ?

You can use a file sharing service like Onedrive or Google Drive

Ok, that’s helpful.

From 00000004ACRO.BIN:

  • ATC_STR_RAT_MAX is set too high. The vehicle only seems capable of around 70deg/sec max turn rate. So set ATC_STR_RAT_MAX to 70
  • ATC_STR_RAT_FF is a little too high. Reduce it down to 1
  • Increase ATC_STR_RAT_P to 0.8
  • CRUISE_THROTTLE is (mistakenly - looks like a typo?) set too low. It’s currently 15. Change it to 51

Try changing the above parameters and run it through ACRO and AUTO again.

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Here are some logs from today.
Also i have some pics of the rover and the place im trying to make it drive good.
There is a pic of the telemetry we are using at the moment , would you recomend anything else that you may think wouls work better ?