two years ago, I used Pixhawk 5X on a skid-steering vehicle with a dual GPS configuration and everything went fine, with no problems.
Today, I tried to use Pixhawk 6X on the same vehicle, but I’m having lots of problems mostly with auto mode and with the missions.
I’m using Mission Planner and I installed the ArduRover firmware version 4.5.7, I was able to configure the RC IN and OUT, so I can control the motors with the radio transmitter and I use CH5 to change from HOLD, MANUAL and AUTO.
If I try to switch to auto, it says “Flight mode change failed”.
If I try to send “mission start”, nothing happens.
Moreover, I see that the internal compasses are not recognized: is it normal? This is a log coming from my Pixhawk.
Directly loading the parameters from Pixhawk 5X will cause many issues. It is recommended to reset the parameters, and after the basic calibration of the Pixhawk 6X is done, manually update the parameters that were adjusted on the 5X.
I did a reset to my Pixhawk 6X and manually set the parameters.
Now, I’m able to get the internal compass BMM150 listed in the available compasses.
However, I still get the “flight mode change failed” when I try to start a mission and sometimes I also get the error ARM: GPS2 yaw NOT AVAILABLE when I try to arm the device.