Problem when two post responses are made at the same time

Hi All,
I have found that this website will randomly delete one of two post responses which are generated and submitted at the same time. I am sure that this will cause much frustration to members who provide a lengthy response to a post only to see their post deleted by a coincidental post at the same time.
TCIII Developer

That shouldn’t happen! Normally if something was posted while you are writing a reply, you get a notice when you click “Post Reply” that new posts have been posted in the meanwhile and you are asked to revie your post to make sure it matches still.

Hi Stefan,
I beg to differ with you. I posted a reply to a post at the same time that you posted yours and mine was deleted by the website with no warning. Only your post survived.
TCIII Developer

That shouldn’t happen. we have to keep an eye on that. Tridge is working on installing a reverse proxy to speed up things. It COULD be a side-effect of that.