Problem in "run target"

Hello everybody
I’m new to using eclipse IDE c / c + to work on programming a drone by following this link https: // /…/ building-setup-windows-eclipse …
after creating two targets when I run target the following errors appears (image attached).
1)after build target

2)after run target

                 Is there anyone who can help me please ?

Retry again, I think it got fixed today

If not, use:

Hi @sahar_slimani! Welcome to discuss!

Have you tried compiling just in cygwin first? If that doesn’t work then you have a different issue to solve.
Inside of cygwin go to your ardupilot directory and try the following.
./waf configure --board=sitl
./waf copter

Also report back what your python version is for me please,
python --version

Lets check if your cygwin path variables have been set.

You should see something like I have shown in that picture for CYGWIN_HOME and in PATH