Hey guys, I hope this is the best of forums to post this presales question.
I am interested in buying the IRIS with the optional gimbal system. My question relates to the gimbal controls and live video feed.
Can someone please explain in simple terms how I am supposed to control the angle of the camera if you cant see exactly what its pointed at? I assume thats the point since you can control the gimbal to position the camera where you desire.
I am hoping that there is a way to receive a downlink video from the camera while in flight…
There is a way to watch the video while flying. Usually people use the Video Out of their GoPro 3 and feed it into a 5.8GHz Video Transmitter (VTx), which has to bought separately, as well as the 5.8GHz Receiver, FPV Googles or a monitor. (Btw. You cannot use the GoPro 2.4GHz Wifi because its likely to interfere with the IRIS radio, and furthermore has a limited range and offers some sort of delay)
The problem is, where to mount the VTx and its antenna within the IRIS. This is not a space problem, but an interference prob…because VTx might disturb GPS reception and/or PIXHAWK electronics and/or radio and/or Telemetry operation.
As long as there is no 3DR recommendation concerning safe placement (interference wise)., I am keeping my hands off. Beginners, who are not able to check interference by VTx , just putting the VTx and its antenna at best fit…might experience bad surprises, which is not an IRIS specific topic
There are several of us flying Iris successfully with video transmitters installed for FPV. Some are using the 3DR Tx (200mw) and some are using third party systems with up to 1w Tx. Although on screen display of telemetry is not currently supported with firmware version 3.1, it has been addressed in the next firmware push and should be available soon.
I do (and did) not doubt that. I just pointed out VTx interference related risks. And am expecting a 3DR recommendation /manual concerning a safe setup for an RTF copter like the IRIS.
When you take a look at the IRIS manual V3.1, youll find out, that 3DR is heading at unexperienced users, who need reliable guidance.
I think you can connect gimbal control to Ch9 on your Tx and I believe that’s how the preconfigured ones are going to be setup. I’d like to see some settings for the controller before attempting that setup myself. I figure once the commercial units have shipped, there’ll be some instructions on how to configure this for the developer units and am looking forward to that.
I don’t know if the final setup for the Iris gimbal will be different but you can use the Pixhawk’s AUX OUT #3 (RC11) to control the gimbal tilt and you can assign an RC input to combine with the stabilization: copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-camera-gimbal/
And here is the tarot gimbal wiki, just a note, the tarot only supports up to 14.8V so you can’t connect a 4S directly since a fully charged battery can go up to 16V, but the Iris is shipped with 3S batteries so there should be no problem. copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-tarot-gimbal/