preArm: CrashDump data detected for test

Hi all,

I’m having some problems setting up my Pixhawk. I want to test one of the servos, so I only have the Pixhawk plugged into my PC, and one 9g servo connected to the Pixhawk. I keep getting the error “PreArm: CrashDump data detected.” Can someone help?

Under prearm checks i see this:
PreArm: AHRS: EKF3 Yaw inconsistent 146 deg. Wait
PreArm: AHRS: waiting for home
PreArm: Internal errors 0x800 l:279 watchdog_rst
PreArm: CrashDump data detected
PreArm: Waiting for RC

This is the file
crash_dump.bin (222.1 KB)

@Jesper_Moller_Hansen thanks for reporting! can you also please provide a bin log from LOG_DISARMED=1 ? I need that to get the exact git hash and build information to analyse the crash dump

Thanks for the quick response. I have tried to enable LOG_DISARMED but i dont get any log files. When i try to arm i gives me this:
PreArm: AHRS: EKF3 Roll/Pitch inconsistent 10 deg.
PreArm: AHRS: waiting for home
PreArm: Logging failed
PreArm: Internal errors 0x800 l:279 watchdog_rst
PreArm: CrashDump data detected
PreArm: Waiting for RC

This is an image of my setup

where did you get the firmware for this board? did it come from the 4.5.4 stable release? did you use Was it lastest build or stable? Do you have the apj file you used?

You will need an external power source to run the servo too.
I’m wondering if you get the same errors with that servo disconnected, since the power circuits in the pixhawk clones can be quite “minimised” right down to having no protection at all.