Power Module error

After building everything together nothing happend on my ardupilot board.
I connected the battery with the apm power module male cable. The female cable I connected with the Bec of the plane motor. The six small wires i connected with the PM connector on the Board. Servos to the output, reciever to the input and gps to gps. Everything is great when the usb cable is plugged in. The software even sees the power of the battery. But when I disconnect the usb the lights on the Board go off.
The APM’s JP1 jumper is not connected.

Help I really want to have my board powered :slight_smile:

thanks for some answers, I hope you can help

Can you verify that you have hooked up your battery and motor ESC per these Wiki instructions: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-measuring-battery-voltage-and-current-consumption-with-apm/ and here http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-apm25-and-26-overview/#Powering_the_APM_2526_Board

I think so but I don’t know what to do with this sentence:
Plug a BEC or UBEC power wire and ground wire into two of the power and ground pins on the APM’s servo output rail.
Because I have just one power cable to connect there.

file attached how I connected everything.

Sry for my bad English. I hope you can understand everything.

[quote=“cone414”]I think so but I don’t know what to do with this sentence:
Plug a BEC or UBEC power wire and ground wire into two of the power and ground pins on the APM’s servo output rail.[/quote]
Actually you have this connection from the ESC brushless motor to the APM’s output 3, the 3 pins connector are signal, 5V and GND, so the 5V are from a internal BEC in the ESC and this is powering the output rail to provide power to the Servo 1 and 2.

From your diagram it seems to be that you have the correct connections. If you can, with the PM connected to the APM and the battery connected to the PM, please measure the voltage between the 5V and GND pins, see attached image.