I have a project going on were I would like to use the apm 2.5 as a controller board for a small boat.
I have an car esc connected to a brushless motor which then runs a gear box(Mostly like a servo) to achieve sufficient strength and an external potentiometer for feedback. The potentiometer gives me 0.1V when rudder is fully left and 4.9 when rudder is fully right.
So as a start i would like to just to implement that i can control the rudder with the aileron stick on my radio and that all attitudes, etc values are logged to the computer through the mavlink, i.e no regulation.
So do I best start with the apm rover code and how do i modify it to incoroperate the external feedback of the rudder? Which of teh many files should i modify?
Any help would be great.
Cheers Kim