Today i was flying my 9inch cam quad, while 60m in the air the quad suddenly started spinning rapitly untill it hit the ground… Is the issue just an broken motor or smth or is the issue deeper?Crash.Thrust - Google Drive
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Hello @theodor_Bockstahl , welcome to the community.
How did you dimensioned the drone?
Did you use ecalc multirotor?
What was the hover throttle level? Was it bellow 50%?
@amilcarlucas yeah hover throttle was below 50% but idk the exact, i dint calculate anything, it is an old phantom with just some new fc and stuff.
Thrust loss on Motor 4,3 dropped to compensate and down it goes. Could be motor, ESC, broken prop, solder joint…
@dkemxr Thx, after disassembly I have found out that metal abrasion was on the bottom of the motor… so it is most likely an bearing damage wich caused the motor to not spin freely anymore… (even though it is an original dji Motor ;( ) thanks for your help and happy flying!
@dkemxr Was there any way for me to recover from this while in the air?
No, not with a quad. The craft was pretty much attitude stabilized but spinning like a top. So, insufficient thrust for any kind of controlled landing.
You could have tried full throttle but it would have just spun faster and perhaps hit the ground with a bit less G’s
That’s bad. But (Iam quite new to ardupilot) why did the warning appear so late? Like the motor was at 100% power and only after some time the error occurred. Can I at least make it more responsive to flag this stuff earlier? Tanks for all the help!
No. And even if it produced an error message immediately it still would have crashed. Hardware fails, shit happens. That message can be useful if there is a lack of thrust for stability but enough to fly and land it. We see this often where thrust/weight wasn’t properly considered during the build and under demand it’s insufficient.
Thrust Loss