While browsing through the LUA example scripts, I was fascinated by the script from Mirko Denecke @mirkix (ardupilot/LED_poslight.lua at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub) , which controls the RGB LED strips simultaneously as position lights and strobe lights, the latter indicating an armed status.
Waiting for sufficient GPS reception and setting the origin sometimes takes a while. In order not to always have to stare at the telemetry screen while waiting, I have extended the script a bit to be able to display the progress of the GPS reception out of the corner of your eye.
I am placing a LED chain with 6-8 Leds:
- The first 2 navigation LEDs switched on means less than 4 satellites, 4 green/red LEDs switched on means up to 6 satellites. All LEDS switched on means more then 6 satellites.
- Once Origin is set, all white Strobelights flashes on time every 1.5 seconds to indicate that vehicle is able to arm with active EKF3.
- Doubleflash 1/second means vehicle is armed.
Due to the different brightness of the red and green LEDs, the brightness can be adjusted separately for red and green.
LED.lua (3.5 KB)