Poshold or hybrid

the flight mode is on 3.1 cant see that it works nor does param PHLD_BRAKE_ANGLE exist

on 3.2 says its there but not seeing it anyone have the correct firmware version?

the flight mode is on 3.1 cant see that it works nor does param PHLD_BRAKE_ANGLE exist

on 3.2 says its there but not seeing it anyone have the correct firmware version?[/quote]

Let me rephrase this
On 3.1 poshold is listed as a flight mode but the parameters brake and rate angle do not exist.
I found a version from July that has these parameters but poshold is not listed as a flight mode.
Is there a problem with my computer or it there a certain firmware version that has this correct

What Firmware are you on?

Don’t use position hold use Loiter for 3.1 and 3.2. I have not played around with 3.2 but hybrid loiter sounds pretty sweet.

Also here is a link that Randy posted about the different commands. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEWi0hzIhNY

I think that the APM instructions are pretty nice these days. http://copter.ardupilot.com/

Hope this helps!

poshold does not exist on 3.2. The mission planner offers it as a choice anyway, though.

Sorry, meant 3.1.5 here.

I had poshold as a option till is did a firmware update

Poshold is in 3.2 I used it yesterday. As far as 3.1.5 use Loiter.

3.2 beta? I loaded it and PosHold didn’t appear in the flight modes

Yes PosHold is in Beta 3.2 RC-10. It seems to act like stabilize when going forward but still maintains altitude and when you let go of the sticks it slowly comes to a stop and maintains position.

Can you give me a link to that file I’ll give it a go

If you have Mission Planner just go to Initial setup/Install Firmware/ click on Beta firmware. You will then get a warning about beta firmware just click okay. You should now see 3.2-RC 10.

Have fun!

I did it the only thing is there’s no altpos I’m assuming it’s position mode.
Also using beta I cannot connect to terminal just starts running a bounce of codes

What do you mean by "appear in the flight modes?’

Generally, the GCSes are “dumb” and don’t check the arducopter version. So, if you have an old mission planner, you won’t see poshold. If you have a new one, you will, but it won’t work if you have an old arducopter version. Poshold is present in every 3.2 release candidate.

If you want the latest 3.2 release candidate, you can get it in the mission planner by clicking the “beta firmwares” link just below the pixture of the Y6.

Look at my screen shot is it called position now also my version of the mission planner is at the top

It’s in mission planner just click install beta firmware and 3.2 RC10 will show up.

Yes i have 3.2 rc 10 installed and position is what’s listed the screen shot is my available flight modes