Porting MCU on STM32H723

Hi everyone! We are trying to integrate arducopter firmware on custom flight controller STMH723. We have successfully created a bootloader and .apj furthur successfully integrated and uploaded on MCU board but through USB it is not connecting with QGC and mission planner. My board has a unique USB VID/PID (0x0483/0x374e). I noticed that arducopter has a USBID_MAP in the generate_manifest.py for mapping USB IDs to specific platforms.

I plan to do the following:

Add my board's USB ID to the USBID_MAP like this:


Add a special case for the board_id to ensure the bootloader and USB ID are recognized, similar to other boards:

if board_id == 99:  # Example board_id
    firmware['bootloader_str'].append('MyBoard BL v1.0')

Do I need to update any other part of the code for QGC to properly recognize my board? Also, how should I handle the platform and brand_map variables? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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hey bro can i get the firmware i was also try to make it one please