First, to answer an earlier comment; I excluded several features which I don’t have in my setup, such as hardware safety switch, rangefinder, camera from the arm checks, resulting in the value of 144622.
I’ve just done some checks in MP and find that all controls appear to be working correctly: In the Radio Calibration screen the Roll high, mid, and low figures are 2006, 1495, and 982 when the stick is moved between extremes; for Pitch it’s 2018, 1505, 994; and for Yaw it’s 2018, 1505, 994. In the Servo Output screen each channel ranges from 1100 through 1500 to 1900 as the sticks are moved. As final confirmation I set logging to disarmed and moved Roll, Pitch, and Yaw sticks to extremes, resulting in the attached log display.
With the transmitter rates set to 50% the Servo Output values were 1300, 1500, 1700 for Roll and Pitch. Yaw is not affected by the rates setting.
Finally I checked the monitor on my Taranis X9D to verify that each stick is giving the desired output without any trims or offsets.
I accept that power failure is always a possibility, but in this case I tend to rule it out because (a) I could hear the motor running as the model was crashing and (b) my Taranis only gave a ‘low signal’ (not ‘Telemetry lost’) warning when the model hit the ground, but showed a good signal as soon as I started walking towards the crash site. Also, power failure does not explain the RCIN anomolies that Lano highlighted earlier.
Looking at the RCIN log again, I note that at about 14:36 there are extreme + and - movements of each major control, which must be when I deliberately moved the sticks to their full extremes for autotune. Also, I can’t be sure, but I think the logging actually stopped a couple of minutes before the crash. The log shows the model was armed (and serious control input started) at about 14:32. My flight was 10 minutes (I time my flights by the Taranis timer), but the log has stopped about 8 minutes after arming, during what looks like smooth controlled flight.
Edit: I wonder if the apparent lack of above-1500 RCIN values could be because I was only flying a left-hand (i.e. anticlockwise) circuit which didn’t usually require any right aileron movement? I’ve just looked at a log from one of my helis, which has never given any sign of trouble, and the RCIN traces are very similar