[quote=“gmorph”]Hi Doug. If your having problems with the Pixhawk and the LIDAR Lite system feel free to detail the issues here and we will help where we can.
Thanks, Grant.[/quote]
Hi gmorph,
I am the one who is currently having difficulties with Pixhawk and LIDAR Lite; I don’t believe Doug is having this issue.
I have a quadcopter and I have tried to install the LIDAR Lite system without success. Initially I tried to to so by using PWM signals as specified in the wiki; I did the following connections:
[ul][li]Lidar J1 Pin1 -> 5V servo rail [/li]
[li]Lidar J1 Pin2 -> Pin 55 in above diagram[/li]
[li]Lidar J1 Pin3 -> Pin 54 in above diagram[/li]
[li]Lidar J1 Pin6 -> GND on servo rail[/li][/ul]
After making these, connecting a 470-Ohm resistor between Lidar J1 Pins 3 and 6, and powering the system with 5V from a BEC, I connected the Pixhawk to Mission Planner, and in the Full Parameter List made the necessary adjustments to have the specified values:
[ul][li]RNGFND_TYPE = 5[/li]
[li]RNGFND_STOP_PIN = 55[/li]
[li]BRD_PWM_COUNT = 4[/li]
[li]RNGFND_SCALING = 1[/li]
[li]RNGFND_OFFSET = 0[/li]
[li]RNGFND_MAX_CM = 4000[/li][/ul]
Once I went to the status tab, the sonar values kept reporting 0, as shown in the attached image.
Later I changed the wiring to use the I2C interface, following the diagram. I also changed the parameter RNGFND_TYPE to 4, as specified in the list of Arducopter Parameters. The readings kept being zeros.
I believe I have done exactly as the wiki instructs but have not been able to get readings, and this is why I’m sharing my experience. Maybe someone has been through something similar or has identified a different solution.
Thanks for your help!
Juanjo Campuzano