Hello everyone, could someone help me figure out why my plane crashed?
I took off normally in takeoff mode, and since the plane is overpowered and made of light foam, it gained speed very quickly. After climbing a few meters above the ground, I switched to autotune mode, and the plane suddenly nosedived. I tried to pull up using stick input, but it didn’t seem to respond.
I check the main sensor (not the only one) from which these estimates are obtained (GPS). It turns out that you are flying with only 4 satellites and a very high HDOP (high is bad).
Thanks for your support. That morning, I disabled the arm check for an indoor test. I made sure the plane had 8 satellites locked before arming. However, I believe ArduPilot should be able to handle GPS loss properly, correct? The plane flew well in takeoff mode, but it nosedived when I switched to autotune.
Anyway, I will turn on all nesssery arm check and test again.
The crash had nothing to do with switching to autotune, but was caused by switching off the arming checks. The nose went down earlier, recognizable by the loss of altitude.
I tested again this afternoon with all necessary pre-arm checks enabled. This time, I let the plane gain more altitude than before, but it behaved exactly the same as before. It still nosedived for several meters. Fortunately, this time it slowly recovered just 2-3 meters above the ground. I believe my mistake was starting autotune at level 8 at a low altitude, as level 8 is quite aggressive.
I often take off without GPS lock. When I don’t plan to use auto mode or RTH, I just use FBWA and acro modes without any issues.