Hey guys! I’m trying to measure current but PixRacer Pro cant measure current with its pins and it looks like there are no current values that come into the FC. Like ESC Telemetry does not send a “current” value but I have wired the Power pin’s current cable and in the end it does not read at all. Need help
Are you using a power module with current and voltage measuring ability.
ESC telemetry works great but you need to wire it properly and configure it.
Starting with main power what are you using as a power module and how are you conencting it up.
I’m using T-Motor F55A ESC so yes I’m using a power module with current and voltage measuring ability
I don’t know how to configure ESC telemetry but it sends RPM TEMP and VOLTAGE but Current is empty
Wish I could help more with specifics, but it may just be a config/setup issue if you have everything wired up sensibly. I have a pixracer (earlier version) here with similar issues of not sensing any main battery volts or amps by default. I was able to go into the vehicle config and poke around and get this working. I think I had to select the external power modules and mess around with the voltage divider constant to get the calculation right. I did the setup work through QGC (not mission planner) because I run linux on my laptop.
So for the power module yo need to connect the current piin to the current pin on the FC and same with the voltage pin. Normally this is each becuase they have a standard cable that connects them but not always.
So is this done.\
Then the Pixracer pro is configured a a cube orange I believe
These are my params but if you put them in it will set up the right assuming the wiring is right.
For esc telemetry you need to tie all the telemetry outputs to a single conenction to a serial port.
Has that been done
If so did you configure the serial port to see telemetry data.
Here are my params for ESC telemetry.
This is the serial port
That ESC probbaly doesn’t have a current shunt(s) then. Some have one per channel, current available via telemetry, others have one per 4in1 board and this is not not available via telemetry only the Current signal pin.
Thanks for the help I will configure like that and I will check
If it works yo will need to tune the parameters to measure specifically to your sensor
I configured it the exact same with just changing my to my params and it did not work Battery Bar is Red and nothing is there but ESC Telemetry Voltage is working but it was working before too. I will check my wiring again if it does not work I don’t even know what to do anymore
Could you please write down your Configuration it will help me I guess
I would really love to understand what does “yo need to connect the current piin to the current pin on the FC and same with the voltage pin. Normally this is each becuase they have a standard cable that connects them but not always.”
Thats all I am getting at. Just make sure the connector that you use is correct thats all.
Ok I just figured out. I will continue my research. And thanks for the parameters also.
so the thing is I can now measure current but it is just there it does not change only the battery remaining % changes and it changes correctly. I really did not understand a thing but I just set it up with Pixhawk_PM2 and it magically worked. I’ll be researching
This thread is pretty old, but it doesn’t look like it got resolved. I have many Pixracer R15s, and the current/voltage readings have always worked just fine, but now I’m trying to wire up a Pixracer Pro, and I am unable to get a reading. It is natively set with batt_curr_pin=3 and batt_volt_pin=2, and I have verified that the power module is indeed providing valid voltages on these pins. I’m using what is labeled as the PWR header in the arducopter graphic (Pixracer Pro — Plane documentation). It would seem that the Pixracer R15 and Pixracer Pro aren’t mapped the same. If anyone has worked with the Pixracer Pro and has voltage/current working correctly, please share how you got it to work. Usually they are pretty good, but so far mRobotics has been unresponsive.
Yes man thanks I was planning to have an update on this post and yes I could not do it either. I mailed them long ago but there is no response. Btw could you guys edit the post to a relevant category please
In the same aircraft that I have the Pixracer Pro in, I have 5 Kiss ESCs, and I can log current readings from them, but I do not know if there is a way to use the sum of these as a substitute for the current sensor in the power module for computing mAh consumed. It would definitely be ideal to have the option to read voltage and current through the power module.