Good day all
I have a small skid steer rover. The motors are controlled via a Raspberry Pi3B + through a L298NHbridge and works well. I have a custom built high accuracy GPS connected to one of the USB ports on the Pi /dev/ttyACM0. The GPS does not have a serial port. I want to forward the GPS data in NMEA or UBEX format to a Pixhawk 2.4.8 device. Then I want the Pixhawk to navigate the vehicle using the Pi as intermediate device between 9 centimeter accurate surveyed and post processed markers I have at my disposal. The GPS data is available and forwarded to the Pixhawk via the UART on the Pi to the GPS port on the Pixhawk. Wiring is RX to TX, TX to RX and GND to GND. The Pixhawk is not seeing the data forwarded data. I also want to use TELEM1 to talk to the Pi and control the motors for navigation of the vehicle. The vehicle is totally autonomous with the only control I have is to stop and start the vehicle. I want the vehicle to navigate to the first waypoint, loiter for 10 seconds and then proceed to the next way point loiter there for 10 seconds and proceed to the next way point until the course has been completed having visited all 9 way points and loitering for 5 seconds at each. I am using Ardu Rover 4.5.5 Could someone please assist? Thank you