Pixhawk telem1 and telem2 output parameters missing

I have just loaded a vanilla ArduPlane 3.2.2 onto a PX4v2 and I’m not seeing all the serial port control parameters I’d expect (via mavproxy):

MANUAL> param show SERIAL*
MANUAL> SERIAL0_BAUD     115.000000
SERIAL1_BAUD     57.000000
SERIAL2_BAUD     57.000000

Specifically I’d expect to see a SERIAL1_PROTOCOL term but I don’t. Any insight here?

I tried adding the ‘uartD.en’ file as suggested here copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common … d-pixhawk/ but that didn’t seem to do anything. Perhaps is it just hard coded and not exposed as a parameter?

I should note that adding the ‘uartD.en’ file is apparently only for PX4v1 and not PX4v2 / Pixhawk. I just tested this out and it made no difference. I can also report that I’m only getting output via the telem1 port, telem2 is silent. Additionally, SERIAL2_PROTOCOL doesn’t seem to make a difference on telem1 or telem2 operation.

A couple other parameters of note:

param show SR*
MANUAL> SR0_EXTRA1       4.000000
SR0_EXTRA2       4.000000
SR0_EXTRA3       4.000000
SR0_EXT_STAT     4.000000
SR0_PARAMS       10.000000
SR0_POSITION     4.000000
SR0_RAW_CTRL     4.000000
SR0_RAW_SENS     4.000000
SR0_RC_CHAN      4.000000
SR1_EXTRA1       4.000000
SR1_EXTRA2       4.000000
SR1_EXTRA3       4.000000
SR1_EXT_STAT     4.000000
SR1_PARAMS       10.000000
SR1_POSITION     4.000000
SR1_RAW_CTRL     4.000000
SR1_RAW_SENS     4.000000
SR1_RC_CHAN      4.000000
SR2_EXTRA1       1.000000
SR2_EXTRA2       1.000000
SR2_EXTRA3       1.000000
SR2_EXT_STAT     1.000000
SR2_PARAMS       10.000000
SR2_POSITION     1.000000
SR2_RAW_CTRL     1.000000
SR2_RAW_SENS     1.000000
SR2_RC_CHAN      1.000000
param show BRD_SER2_RTSCTS
param show BRD_SER1_RTSCTS