Pixhawk RSSI pin assignment in MP

Excuse semi-double post (I’ve expanded the question) and got scolded by a moderator for posting in the wrong forum. :blush:
After exhaustive search I did find, in an obscure location, where the RSSI pin is on the Pixhawk. BUT there is no mention of how to assign the pin in MP??? Can someone help me out?
Thank you,

I also don’t seem to be getting rxrssi on screen.
Im going to hop on board here and ask for guidance with setting up an X8R with Pixhawk to get RSSI displayed on the HUD.


Good luck. Through the rumor mill, it’s not been implemented yet on the “PX4 and 3D Robotics present Pixhawk: An Advanced, User-Friendly Autopilot”. So flying long range is out of the question for me. I live in an RF polluted environment where new RF threats appear every day.

Cross posting is just a nuisance for those of us who maintain this site.

RSSI is not implemented yet for Pixhawk. It will be included in the next release.

Craig, Saying something is solved and not answering is a nuisance for those thought bought the Pixhawk thinking it would be fully functional as advertised!
Perhaps you didn’t really read the first post in this thread. You should be a little less arrogant until 3DR can sell a product that meets its advertising claims.
Btw, thanks for answering after a week.

3DR Robotics sells a flight control board called Pixhawk that runs an open source autopilot called Ardupilot. 3D Robotics does not sell Ardupilot and 3D Robotics does not control what features are supported in Ardupilot. We have manufactured a board that includes an RSSI input and the developer community will write code to support that feature. Why don’t you get involved with this project and write the code to support RSSI yourself. If you are not capable of writing the code then I suggest you should be more grateful to the developer community who are providing this code to you for FREE!!
Either way, you can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution and spamming your complaints all over this forum is not helpful.
RSSI will be supported in a future release of the code.

I’ll keep it simple. I think u will get it. I used to b a customer of 3DR.
As for your assertion that I don’t appreciate the volunteer community that supports YOUR commercial product, that is sheer nonsense. Their efforts n those of the RCGroups guys have made APM and associated products what they r today. I hav nothing but admiration and gratitude for stalwart band of brothers that hav given so much in support of the community.
When u come out >3 months late and go through months of alpha/beta testing while advertising functionality that isn’t there, don’t label customers’ disappointment as whining. Maybe u need refresh urself n reread Chrises hyping of the Pixhawk.
A former customer,