Pixhawk Mini with MaxBotix I2C Sonar


I am trying to get my MaxBotix Sonar sensors to work with the new Pixhawk mini. I have followed all instructions listed at:

However, I am unable to see any readings from the sonar sensors via Mission Planner. I have tested using multiple versions of the Rover firmware.

Help from anyone who has gotten this working (even using different firmware) or any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Which Sonar model exactly? I am working on the MB1202 right now.

Thanks, Grant.

Just noticed the other discussion with Colin. Lets put our updates just in that discussion rather then having 2.

Thanks, Grant.

I am okay with using the Colin’s discussion to group things together, but I didn’t see you post there yet so I’ll leave one more here along with a link to his for people looking to solve this issue in the future:

Colin’s thread:

Personally I am using the MB1242. Have you gotten the sonar (any model) working with the pixhawk mini?
