I just can´t get my Pixhawk/Hexa to takeoff without immediately flipping. Yestersdays test ended up with flipping backwards. I`ve checked and realized I had the motors connected wrong. Unfortunately I´m out in the countryside with Edge only. So researching the net is difficult.
Just want to reassure this: unlike a Naza the motors are not connected in a counterclockwise fashion.
Motor 1 is the on on the right, Motor 2 on the left and so on. Motor 5 is the one that is normally No. 1 on a Naza. Top right.
When I execute motor tests in MP every Motor spins in the correct CW or CCW fashion and according to the setup pics I´ve found (e.g. Motor 6 is the bottom left).
With this setup it flipped forward this morning. Is seems it doesn´t even try to stabilze in Stabilze Mode.
Calibration of Acc, Compass went Ok.
Thanks Mike. I´m a 100 percent sure I had the right order as it flipped.
Did the whole setup process again after resetting everything and I´m still convinced everything is set as it should be. Next time I´ll tie that thing down to see where it wants to go …
What bothers me a bit is that when I test the motors with the built in A-F buttons: sometimes if I test one motor and click the button, another motor just twiches.
There has been another post about someones hexa trying to roll east on takeoff. Looking forward to new input there as well ;9
I´ve uploaded a log from my second takeoff try where my hexa flipped right away. I know there are a lot of things wrong with my setup and you may find a lot of errors. I was trying to take off in stabilize mode just to see if it makes it off the ground and to land immediately after that and then adress all the other errors.
But I hope some of you are able to tell me what the hexa was trying to do and why it did not seem to even try and keep itself level.
Based on the logs motor 3 and 2 are running hot so the copter should flip right and slightly backwards.
The roll and pitch are almost flat so don’t know what’s going on here.
Maybe you should unhook motors 1 and 2 and configure it as a quad copter and see if that works.
I know I was thinking the same thing that the motor test would start them by motor number.
That’s why they label them A, B, C, and D…
When your on the motor test page read the note: Motors are tested in a clockwise rotation starting at the front right. So in a plus configuration it starts with the front motor and with an X it starts with upper right.
I just ran the test on my IRIS and it starts upper right and goes around.
Can it get any better? It´s in the fine-print haha
I remember when I first set this thing up I used to motor test in the “Naza” way. Motor A started Motor 5, but then I went counter clockwise. Second attempt was with motors testing according to the motor numbers.
Can´t they make it in bold??? I´ll try again next weekend I hope that this was the hint I needed!
Maybe the ESC’s need to be calibrated again or maybe that ESC is off. Even when the motor is not turning they are receiving a signal they just shouldn’t do anything.
It happened again. It just tipped over to the front when it actually should just take off. I have checked the motor connections, the order of the motors and the spin directions a million times and I´m quite sure, it is as it should be. Pre-Arm checks gave me no warnings (except second try a compass warning).
Again I had the impression that it did not even try to stabilze so I somehow suspect the gyro …
But maybe some of you can make sense out of the logs. I´ll post three of them. On first try I had pre-arm check disabled, then turned on with no warnings.
Motor 2 is increasing more than any other motor indicating its trying to roll to the right…motor 2 is the left most motor. Your roll angle is going more negative…indicating it is rolling left. This is backed up by motor 1 (right most motor) being commanded the lowest value.
Is the left most motor spinning up first and hardest? Is it rolling left or right in reality as you increase throttle prior to it taking off??
Are you quadrupily sure motor layout is correct? Are you sure the flight controller is mounted in the correct orientation?
as a diagnosis aid can you arm your copterwith props off, arm, add a bit of throttle so it doesn’t disarm and the motors spin a bit, and then roll it right 10 degrees or so by lifting the left side, then left, then forward and then back.
all the time looking and listening to the motor speeds…the highest motor should go the slowest.
Hey … thanks for taking the time.
Yes I am absolutely sure about mounting direction, motor order and spin direction. I must have checked it over and over and over.
I even did the test with props off while moving the thing around. There where audible actions taken by the motors. Maybe I´ll do that again with a closer look on what motors counteract what type of movement. It´s been a couple of days since I did that. Meanwhile I cleared the logs. Will do it agian for sure and post the logs here!
Props off. Rolled and pitched it around and I think the motors acted the way they should, although I found the differences in speed a bit low. But they react. Here is the log …