Pixhawk firmware upgrade ? - alternative methods

I’ve been reading pixhawk.org/users/first_steps

I flashed Arducopter, but do I still need to flash PX4FMU or PX4IO using qgroundcontrol ?
Can SDCard or APM Planner 2.0 or MP somehow do the job ? - yet another tool ?

When you load arducopter into the Pixhawk it automatically loads all of the necessary code into the I/O module.

It is a bit confusing but the flight code on the Pixhawk site is not the same as flight code we run in ardupilot and the I/O firmware loaded by qgroundcontrol is not compatible with ardupilot and if you load the IO firmware from the pixhawk / PX4 site, arducopter may not work and the process in ardupilot to automatically update the I/O firmware may not work as well

thanks for the explanation.
No, I’d never expect it to run the same code as APM does. but were confused by the information.

I just noticed there is a new page on the PX4 site
It helps explain things a bit

Both the APM group and the PX4 group are contributing to the PX4 and Nuttx middleware on the Pixhawk and PX4 boards and both groups are both working on the hardware together.
There are most often differences between the main PX4 middleware and the ardupilot version of the middleware. Some of the PX4 middleware is experimental and does not work with APM and sometimes we make changes to the middleware to make it work better with APM before it is brought back into the main PX4 code. If you stick with the ardupilot / diydrones versions of the middleware then APM will work correctly with it.

I tried going to the link posted above (www.pixhawk.org/firmware/start) and it gives me a page not found error.

Is there a definitive place to get good information on how to successfully configure a Pixhawk? I’ve just received mine and can’t get it setup.

[quote=“Craig3DR”]When you load arducopter into the Pixhawk it automatically loads all of the necessary code into the I/O module.

It is a bit confusing but the flight code on the Pixhawk site is not the same as flight code we run in ardupilot and the I/O firmware loaded by qgroundcontrol is not compatible with ardupilot and if you load the IO firmware from the pixhawk / PX4 site, arducopter may not work and the process in ardupilot to automatically update the I/O firmware may not work as well[/quote]

How can the IO board firmware be updated to the ardupilot version if i did an update with qgroundcontrol before? Is there an option the check if the right firmware is on the IO board?

If you load the ardupilot flight code then it will check the IO automatically. There are some versions of the PX4 IO code that will not automatically update. If you don’t get the happy ready to fly tones at startup then you can force the update by pressing the safety button when you power up


Thank you.
Due to the strange difficulty I have getting into terminal mode, I tried to do the “final step” (hold button and connect) to update if something were wrong.
I get the same sounds as in the video@1:44 , but mine does not end like the video at 1:51 - mine ends with the usual “ready” tone (the one you usually expect after connecting power)

Can this be a sign of trouble ? (yes, I have some problems, and need to find a possible cause)

Update: I flashed plane , then hexa again, - after the usual firmware flash, the other tones (like @1:44) sounded as expected.