I have recently buy a pixhawk 2.4.8 board. But the problem is when I connect the board with my computer it does not give any musical sound and there is a message your board is in a critical problem …via spi scan. How to solve this problem?? please help.2020-02-20T07:00:00Z
Where is this message found?
Its come when I click on firmware download option, a small square box arises and shows this message.
there are no musical tones. I do not understand whats the problem. please give some suggestions and help me . thank you.
Download option where? What ground control software are you seeing this? Post a screen shot.
firmware download from ardupilot,mission planner. It is my desktop from where I send my messages so I am unable to send any screen shot . I am sorry sir. tell me what are the possible reasons for which musical tones not played after downloading the quad/hexa/any firmware.