Pixhawk 6C with M8N GNSS?


I try to use the PX 6C with an Holybro Pixhawk4 M8N GNSS Module. It says “No GPS”. Doesnt this module just not work with the new Pixhawk or is there a way to get it work?

Thanks and kind regards


You should try to get a lock outside (without any obstacles on top of the gps module).Also if it is connected to the pixhawk via the CAN port you should first enable it through mission planner( check the relevant ardupilot docs ).


Thank you Haris!

It is connected via the GPS1 port.
Will go a bit more far away from my house and check again.

I think “No GPS” mean, that the FC is not detetcting the GPS Module at all. It has nothing to todo if the GPS Module is receiving satellite signals. So first check your connection and settings the FC and the GPS module.

Thank you Juergen,

I think thats it as there should be some signal in my garden.
There are no GPS-Settings in Mission Planner as far as I see. Only in the parameter tree, but nothing specific. Normally it should work plug and play (at least with the older sw versions and Pixhawks it did).

The antenna makes it sounds when the px is powered. The round LED is blinking blue and so does the left led, while the led in the “swith” button is constantly red.

Please post Param file.

It probably because you have configured it on wrong serial port.


Here we go

PX6C_082324_UL.param (16.5 KB)

Is it the M8N from Holybro? Because it doesn’t have the same wiring/pinout as the M9 and M10 units. (ask me how many hours it took me to figure that out…)

Yes, it is the M8N from Holybro. That would explain why it doesn´t work. If someone can explain to me how I would have to change the order of the colours (of the wires), I would be more than happy.

I am Assuming You are connected GPS to GPS1 Port in pixhawk 6C [as in attached Image GPS1]

If you are using the same port as i say then it doesn’t match with the param files you have attached.

To make it work please do the following :
1->Connect GPS to GPS1 Port
2->and set Param as “SERIAL3_PROTOCOL=5” AND “SERIAL3_BAUD=230”

To Summarize the same :
You didn’t configure the GPS in Your FC. Set These Values and reboot the FC and wait for 10 sec. It mus Show “NO_FIX” until you get the FIX.

If still it show NO_GPS please let us know.

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While reviewing your param file. It was observed that no SERIAL PORT was configured to be used as GPS.
I do not know what kind of tutorial/guide you are following. Please refer to ardupilot documentation regarding the same.
These simple doubts should not be placed on the forum.

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Perfect! That works! Thank you so much!!

Thanks for reviewing th file and the link. I am used to use the “older” PX4 and Mission Planner versions, where the “GPS” port could be used as GPS port without doing changes in the params. Don´t know why this was changed as it seems to be