I think there are potentially two issues here.
- The pivot turn overshoot is a “known issue” and it’s on the to-do list to fix for Rover-3.3 (here and here). The only thing that may help is adjusting the TURN_MAX_G parameter but no promises really.
- the vehicle is not getting back on the track fast enough. This is just navigation tuning and reducing NAVL1_PERIOD from “10” to perhaps 8 or even 6 should help.
The ATC_STR_RAT_FF still appears a bit high. Maybe try reducing it from “0.33” to “0.2”.
As a side note, if you have time, could do a test with WP_SPEED set to 0.8 or even 0.5 so that it runs the course more slowly? Both motors are saturating constantly meaning there is a very strong link between speed and turn rate and I suspect this may be why the turn rate response is so noisy. The moment it wants to turn, it must also slow down. Another solution would be to replace the motors with a lower gear ratio so it travels faster.