Pixhawk 2.1 damaged (maybe) from factory


After spent more than 2 weeks troubleshooting an error “No GPS” message. (and “destroy” others GPSs to try to understand)

I opened my Pixhawk2.1 board and found this “hot glue” only in the primary GPS (GPS 1) connectors.

Please can someone check if this glue is normal? Is possible without open the board.

Because if is not normal (the Glue), they sell a really bad quality board, but first I would like to check.

I believe that “glue” has been added, because there were users that “forgot” to unlock the plug and pulled “vigorously” the plug bringing everything behind.

So, no, it’s not bad quality board. On the contrary, it’s a manufacturer responding to use cases, and preventing bad damages.

The glue is on all units to assist in reinforcement of the connector

If yours is broken, rma it via your distributor

Why only on one connector and not all connectors ?

Problems always happen, the difference is how to manage then, I already send a E-mail to info@3dxr.co.uk, let’s see.


Good Quality boards pass through REAL quality Checks (QC) , I have a real problem. not from my mind. The Glue is only a detail.

They will fix for me, thanks for 3dxr.co.uk really professional.

Because only the GPS conenctor edge lies over the hole. That makes the solder transfer to the hole rather than making a solid joint.