Pixhawk 1 quad in posHold - drifting

i have built a 650 quad with pixhawk 1 (2.4.8) (original 3dr gps…) - with elrs/yaapu telemetry/dji O3.
i have set it with 3 modes – position hold/stabilized/RTL
all set and works(did accel and compass calibrations).
but when i had maiden flight (11 sat 3d fix) - it got drifted (in pos hold mode)
please advise


err graph

There is just poor tuning.
You need to start with the MissionPlanner Initial Parameters section, put in your prop size and battery cell count - also select the “Suggested settings” then accept everything it offers.
Set you flight modes to: Stabilise, AltHold, Loiter.
Then have a separate switch for RTL.

Also definitely set:


Don’t disable any arming checks, just work through whatever prevents arming.
Really we only need the ability to disable an arming check in case you know there is a faulty or misconfigured component to be ignored until you get a chance to fix it.

Now work through the

@xfacta it is better ans less confusing to start with the ArduPilot methodic configurator first.

thanks for the reply - ill try