Pixcube orange and black the same problem, servos dont move in arming mode

Hi how are you? my expirence with mission planner and configuaration pixcube, receivers, transmitter, and all pherisferic is basic, but a was captle fligth a simple plane (rude, aileron, motor, rudder), autotune, camera and parachute.
Now I am back, all may hardware.
pixcube black, pixcube orange
gps hero2 and hero3 (conected one for this testing)
rdf900 telemetry connected pixcube and laptop
taranis xd9
xjt module
receiver 2 l9r (connected or directly taranis or xjt module) all funtional bind when is requerided
mudul2 long range IMMERSE transmitter tx and 2 receiver long range rx all bind funcional
failse are setting, immerse and L9R
esc predator 60a, hobbywing esc 60a platinium
all hittech servos
camera to survey(not connected for now).
mission planner was instaladed various opportunitis , erasing al data folder. in 3 laptop (asus, msi, lenovo)
when test transmitter alone, xjt, immerse with correspondient receiver and tray simlple test. bind, connect motor channel 3 and other servos and all move ok.
passing qgroundcontrol, instal firmware black an orange, response very good when testing un actuars item all servos and motro run. then pass manual mode and al servos move, only motor dont move (needs disable the command but with the test i kwon tha is ok9)
Problems (3 weeks traing diference ways)
orange a black was update last, stable firmware, an tray with old version of mission planner and firmware.
all componenet are very separarated
the receivers, LRP connected bay sbus and immerse rx by ppm encorder.
in side mission planner, all mandatory run perfectly acce, compas, calibration wher all servos move , all.
servo ouput move al except throttle (maybe is disarm)
falisafe is setting, shot down rc and fail safe works
bes is calibrated outside format
batery monitor show real volt an amp
gps here2 is connceted to gps1, gpshere3 to can and change the parameter and run perfectly.
Coclusion. QGROUND CONTROL zero problem with configuration, servos works etc. but to tray control more paramaters tu survey protogrametry needs some changes.
MISSION PLANER, i was works with a lost receiver and tranmitter, diferent becs, last mission planner old mission planer, new firmware and old stable firmware, and nothing.
Try change all full parametres like arming check, safety button, i dont remember a lot parameter change, and tray with default again.
install MP and QGC and desintalled and erase all documents and erase temporals.
Weel sorry for my extense explication, was to explaind a lot intent a way to tray fligth soon, the mos rare in this case is because QGC works move al servos bet Mission planner nothig but is posible see the calibation of all servos y motor.
Thank a lot for al any hepl!!!

PD: same hardware change all compoment works with QGC, but nothig with MP

Please set LOG_DISARMED to 1 and post a .bin log demonstrating the issue.

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Suggestion-edit your post to concisely describe what the primary issue is

Thanks, In short, Taranis X9D transmitter direct to receivers or via XJT module, even long range receivers RX and Tx immersion work perfectly moving servos and motors.
I connected the receiver to cubepix black and also orange (I tried with immersion and then frsky), RDF900 telemetry, GPS here2 (and I tried with here3 via can), ESC, motor, air sensor and servos for ailerons, elevator and rudder. Everything worked fine in QGC, stick configuration functions, channels, motor tests, surfaces, outdoors with everything checked the ARM could be performed.
I did the same for MS with both flight controllers (black and orange) and the mandatory hardware passed the check, in Radio Control Calibration you can see that the channels work well, in Servo Output the surfaces also move except Throttle.
Inside the house I removed all the checks to ARM, outside everything ok and without problems it goes to ARM.
But neither the motor nor the surfaces move (aileron, elevon, rudder).
Why? QGC can move everything and the same electronic configuration, same connections or wiring do not move in MS

I did a test: pixcube black with firmware PX4. I connected it to QGC, made the settings and everything worked. Servos and motor move. My laptop ran out of battery and turned off. When I turned it on by mistake I opened MS, and to test if I could connect via telemetry, thinking it wouldn’t connect. But it did connect and everything kept moving.
I checked the list of parameters and evidently they are loaded in the same order as those from QGC. Several from MS don’t exist and it has others.
The pixcube orange is with the ardupilot firmware, it still doesn’t move anything after 999 attempts in MS, and it can connect to QCG but the same, I can’t find the parameter that is required to move servos.

PX4 is not Ardupilot.

And your link has an access requirement. Remove it if you want anyone to look at it.

Not, but the pixcube black with PX4 is to QGC and for testing run in MS
the pixcube orange with ardupilot runs in MS without servo move. the pixcube (aurdupilot and MS) I need to my plane.

ok, ready. my mistake

And you are still making it.

ready, now have access

Safety switch inhibits servo output.

Hi, always BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT was in 0 and BRD_SAFETY_MASK same

But to play check all OUPUTX and save-reboot. Mracle ahaha, servos begin to move.

But tray uncheck all OUTPUTX save-reboot and servos keep moving.
Never touch BRD_SAFETY_MASK and check or uncheck now servos move and motor (armed). Maybe something was blocking and when playing with BITMASK the error disappeared.
But always BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT was in 0 disable.
Now I will install parachute and trigger camera.
