Hi, I am building a rover using a mini tractor from farm-ng. I am using an orange cube to do so. The rover operates through skid steering. It drives fine in manual mode but in auto mode it has a lot of trouble doing pivot turns. When it reaches a waypoint, and attempts to pivot-turn to face the next waypoint, the rover will stop, and then rotate one direction a little bit, then stop and rotate in the other direction, and just rotates seemingly randomly in small to medium increments until it either starts facing the next waypoint and resumes it’s mission or I switch out of auto mode because it has been aimlessly turning back and forth in small increments for several minutes. The compass and GPS seem to be working fine during these operations, does anyone have any idea what could be going wrong?
Have you followed the tuning steps Tuning Process Instructions — Rover documentation ? Including especially Tuning Speed and Throttle — Rover documentation and Tuning Turn Rate — Rover documentation and Tuning Pivot Turns — Rover documentation ?
Yes I have, I have followed all the instructions you listed but to no avail
What diameter are your waypoints? Had a similar symptom with tiny (sub meter) waypoints - solved by adjusting slowly upwards. Landed on 1.4m for my 60” mower…
Waypoint radius does not affect pivot turns in any recent version of AP.
I have a waypoint diameter of 5 meters, but I can try playing around with the waypoint diameter size
I went out and did some more testing today, I took some videos and recorded a data log to help explain what I am talking about and will post them below. One thing I noticed is that when the rover is driving between waypoints the PIDdesired and PIDactual are very similar, however during pivot turns the PIDdesired and PIDactual are very different. The PIDdesired stays constant at about the max allowable turn, however the PIDdesired will act almost randomly sometimes during a pivot turn. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be the problem?
Data log: 2025-01-14 14-07-59.bin - Google Drive
Video 1: https://youtube.com/shorts/NjjKNmonbX4?feature=share
In this video the rover does eventually complete the route but struggles with the pivot turns
Video 2: https://youtu.be/rV6RgDYPhds
In this video the rover completes the route but does one of the pivot turns by rotating the long way around (turns 270 degrees instead of 90 degrees)
Video 3: https://youtu.be/rV6RgDYPhds
In this video the rover gets stuck pivoting on the 2nd waypoint