I would like to upgrade my parrot disco implementing computer vision based obstacle avoidance using OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi.
Apparently the original flight controller CHUCK doesn’t support connection via MAVlink so I will have to use another FCU, for space constraints it has to be the PixHawk mini or the Pixracer.
Are those boards compatible with the sensors on the Parrot Disco (airspeed, sonar, optical flow and altimeter)? Thank you
Hi!, Try to use ardupilot in CHUCK instead of factory supplied software.
Then as a ground station you can use QGroundcontrol. https://docs.qgroundcontrol.com/en/getting_started/download_and_install.html
for Linux. Then connect via wifi to UDP
You can use a USB joystick, gamepad, or virtual joystick.
If the Parrot Disco is armed, it should spin.
You will also need to supply custom parameters, for example from here:
These should be loaded into qgroundcontrol.
Hi René,
I’m very interested by your project of using OpenCV with Disco. My disco is running Arduplane and I control it with QGroundControl. I’d like to improve it now
I am actually implementing the Computer Vision obstacle avoidance system on a boat in order to start with a 2D problem; it is documented on a dedicated public GitHub repository.
Anyway, ArduPlane obstacle avoidance via ADS-B is quite well-developed, I suggest that you check it out.
Hi Jerome, sounds great!
One question thou, are you using an USB Jostick/game controller or a radio transmitter to control your Disco?
Hi ! I will watch your work on boat Very interesting ! Thanks
Hi Alex. I use a TX (Taranis QX7) but i will try to use the flight plan as soon as possible !