Morning all
We are flying a fixed wing aircraft using the latest version of mission planner, along with Ardupilot Mega. APM 2.6, and have attached an air speed indicator. After a number of suspected stalls, under autopilot, I would be very grateful if someone could confirm I have made the correct settings within the parameter list, to ensure that the autopilot knows and will react when the airspeed falls to a critical point.
The airspeed indicator is certainly working, it fluctuates between the normal 1-3 values when on the ground at rest and increases dramatically when blown into. For the Parameter list I understand the following two need to be set to 1, in order for the speed indicator to be enabled and used by the autopilot.
From I have calculated that for an aircraft weighing 109.3492 ounces and with a wing area of 876.370 in.², the stall speed will be 21mph or 9.4m/s. From reading up I guess I therefore need to set the following parameter;
So assuming I am on the right track, the big questions for me is, if I make these changes, write them to the plane and set it off to follow a way marked mission under full autopilot command, will it automatically maintain an airspeed of 9.4m/s or more ?
Follow up, if the answer to the previous question is yes, then if I put the plane into stabalize mode, will the autopilot still make use of the minimum airspeed parameter and attempt to increase airspeed if it gets too low?
Am new to this so there may be something basic I need to check first to get the desired behaviour, if so please say.
Thank you