Can we change parameter range? for example ArduCopter RTL_SPEED Range is 0-2000. or FENCE_RADIUS range is 30 -10000.
Is it comes from ardupilot firmware?
My arducopter firmware version is 4.5.7 and i am using for CubeOrangePlus
Yes, the range is limited by the Firmware.
Yes, you can set some parameters to a value outside of the pre-defined (soft) range limit.
But there are some other parameters that, if set outside the range, get pulled back inside the (hard) range limit.
So try it out, if it works for you.
Thank you so much for the response.
can I change the range completely? like insted of FENCE_RADIUS range 30 -10000 can i define new range 20-100 or something like that?
Yes, if you change the source code, recompile and upload, you can. But the metadata that MP uses to check the range is on a server on-line and you can not change that.
Source code of ardupilot firmware right? I don’t know where to make the changes in ardupilot firmware.
Can you give an example why you want to change the limits for a paramater.
If your actual parameter used is within the range it makes no sence to change the limit. And if your parameter is outside the range you must check the kind of the parameter as @amilcarlucas said before. On some parameters you can use values outside the range but this is normally not recommened thats why the range is shown.
You can set this to whatever you want.
Hi all thank you for reply.
i want to define my own range in the firmware because some parameter’s lower limit is higher/lower and some parameter’s upper limit is higher/lower. That’s the reason I want to change it from the firmware. But I don’t know where to make the changes in the firmware.
You can already set their value outside the range, You just need to either use:
Full parameter set window in MP
Ardupilot methodic configurator parameter window
No need to change the firmware
Okay thank you so much