
This is my first post on this forum, and I’ll ask that you’ll excuse me if it’s in the wrong place.
I have a Spektrum DX8, and have set up the PixHawk to the Octo settings as it will be mounted on a Tarot 650 (if it -ever- gets here)
Here’s the question, I have two receiver controlled switches to connect to the PixHawk. Does anybody have a quick tech doc that describes the process for assigning channels to the outputs? I can’t find it anyplace.


I’ll post my own reply.
I’ve plugged the RC Switch into port 7 of the PixHawk. I’ve set a switch on the DX8 to activate RC7. I look in the radio configuration screen on MP and I see the switch send Radio 7 to 1901. The RC Switch does not wake up.
At the risk of hurting the PixHawk, I plugged in the RC Switch to propeller output 6, and when I raise the throttle, the RC Switch works just fine and the leds light.
This clearly indicates that the PixHawk is not waking up on output 7.
The output in the config is currently set to “do nothing” but has been tried in “relay” and a number of other settings.
It’s almost like the PixHawk output isn’t working.

Any ideas?

Also, why would channel 8 not show up in MP as being active?

Did you get it working yet??
I also have a DX8 / pixhawk and have all switches working…
Let me know if I can be of some help.