Optical flow doesn't init after APM restart

Hi Guys! :slight_smile:

After reading many an many topics on the optical flow sensor on the APM 2.5, I decided yesterday to install it on my quadcopter APM2.5 firmware 3.1.5.

So I got an unsolved problem with it.
It look bad init when I power on my APM board.

How I install my sensor:

  • cut the 5V track and solder the 3.3V track -> OK
  • wire the NCS, MISO, MOSI, GND and +5V -> OK
  • Adjust the focus lens with the python procedure -> OK (working very good)
  • Enanbled the OPTFLOW on Mission planner -> OK

Now testing :smiley:

on console mode:

test -> optflow

All the value are 0 and nevers change :cry:

on console mode:
setup -> optflow on
test -> optflow

Yeah working good! :smiley:

reboot of the APM2.5

test -> optflow

All the value are 0 and nevers change :cry:

on console mode:
setup -> optflow on
test -> optflow

Yeah working good! :smiley:

again a reboot

test -> optflow

don’t work all value 0 :cry: :cry: :cry:

I tried with beta firmware, old firmaware and on a another APM2.5 board… Same same.

OPTflow doesn’t work when a restard the apm board. (so the OPTflow still marked enabled)

Somebody get a greate solution? I’m the only one in this case?

Thanks for reading, bye bye


Hi All,

I come back with some news about this problem.

My actual theorie: Mission planner in console mode is bugged.

Why? Here my tests: :sunglasses:

On console mode: OPTFLOW logs activation.


Unplug all the motors, power on the APM, Arming, swith on OF_loiter mode with my radio and move the quad with your hands.

Download the logs of this true/false flight.
In the OF tree a got somme beautiful logs.

Somebody can confirm that’s mean the optical flow is Ok?


My theory was exact!

It’s a mission planner console mode bug.

Take a look on the last picture of this subject:


Subject can be marked as resolved :smiley:

It problem not solved. Can you confirm, you cann use optical flow sensor in last 3.2.1 firmware version?