One motor spinning while takeoff

I am working with copter and i notice one issue while takeoff.
When we give arm->auto command to copter, copter switches to guided mode for some time, and in that duration, one motor keeps spinning and then all motors get their rotation, but due to that one motor, my copter gets unstable and sometimes crashes.

This issue doesn’t generate in sitl.

Hello Manish,

  1. Are you testing this with or without propellers?
  2. Have you configured your vehicle using Ardupupilot methodic configurator and followed all the steps?

with propellers.
I have not read the documentation, but fly copter almost regularly.
If i takeoff in loiter and then switch to auto, then it is flying without any problem.
The problem is while only taking off.

Post a .bin log file with LOG_DISARM = 1 but it sounds like one ESC lost it’s calibration.

Do they all rotate at the same speed with doing a mission planner motor test?

Yes, while the motor tests, all rotates with same speed.
I will send you the bin file tomorrow.