HI, I am trying to get an OLED display working but there is no option to set one?
No firmware versions from 4.5.0 to 4.5.7 have the option NTF_DISPLAY_TYPE and the OLED does not work, firmware versions 1.1.0 and older do have this option and the display works fine.
Hi Steve, I have display working on my tracker, currently running V4.5.5. My autopilot is Speedybee wing mini F405.
I built the custom firmware using the Custom Firmware Builder, in ‘‘Other’’ dropdown box I selected to include I2C Displays build option.
Then set NTF_DISPLAY_TYPE to sh1106 since that’s the type of display I use. What display are you using?
I have tried the custom firmware builder as suggested by geofrancss but it fails and will not build the firmware.
I have selected the i2c display in the notify tab and tried to build and is always fails, I have tired deselecting loads of items not needed in case its failing due to space but still fails
Oh it’s the build that fails. Yeah I experienced that many months ago, for several weeks I was trying to make a build for my tracker and it failed every time so I gave up. Could it be that it hasn’t been repaired yet?!
Update: I just tested the Custom Firmware Builder again and tried to make a build for tracker and it failed. Looks like it hasn’t been repaired yet.
Here’s a report from another user months ago of the builder not working Tracker 4.5.6 Onboard Display Missing
just looked at that post and then scoured the failed build log and yep, I find that tracker not defined line at the bottom.
I am basically left with two choices then, use 1.1.0 or have no OLED display as the firmware builder appears to be broken
Why even remove the display in the first place, they dont even list it as having been removed in the current documentation and tell you to set a parameter that does not exist!
The bug in the custom firmware builder preventing firmware being built for antenna tracker has now been fixed and I have been able to build FW with OLED support
But shortly thereafter once the tracker receives telemetry of your copter/plane the display shows ''ARMED!" all the time which makes the display useless.