Octocopter motor yaw imbalance (uncommanded spining)

Hi everyone,

I’m having a major issue with my new heavy-lift octocopter. During flight, some of the motors intermittently cut out or drop to a lower RPM, while others compensate by increasing RPM to maintain thrust. This makes it incredibly unstable and unsafe to fly.

Here are the specs of my build:

  • Frame: 1900mm center-to-center distance
  • Propellers:29 inch
  • Motors: T-Motor U8
  • Flight Controller: Cube Orange
  • ESCs: T-Motor Alpha 60A

I’ve checked for obvious issues like loose connections and prop damage, but everything seems fine.

Any ideas on what could be causing this problem and how I can troubleshoot it?

this is our new design picture.

Was this vehicle configured with the GitHub - ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator: A clear ArduPilot configuration sequence software?
That would give you optimal troubleshooting checklists.

At the very least we’ll need a logfile where the issue can be retraced.

The configuration howto linked by amerilucas is a very good idea as well. I don’t have much experience with heavy lifters, but the design looks like there might be many oscillations to filter out.

if your drone frame looks exactly like the diagram, CW motors are under-mounted, and CCWs are top-mounted if I understand correctly. Do you think the propeller tip-to-tip is too near even though is up and down? Potentially of propeller vortex or prop wash disturbance.

What is the drone takeoff weight? what is the MOT_THST_HOVER after learning? Is it very low?

Does each motor distance (radius) to the center of the frame still resemble to Octo X motor layout?

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We need a flight log.

4 motor are installed downward and 4 motor installed upward.

1- motor A = downward
2- motor B = upward
3- motor C = downward
4- motor D = upward
5- motor E = downward
6- motor F = upward
7- motor G = downward
8- motor H = upward

there are about 3 inch overlap on each other.

The max take of will be 27kg. and the distance of each motor is same to the center (design is symmetric).

here is 2 log files



i will do it today.

Potentially overpowered, we have a hexa 30" propeller 25kg, motor spinning at the low motor curve. Octocopter, we use 2388 propeller with X6 hobbywing motor already operating at the low curve.

Unlike OctoQuad, the undermount motors may have experience uneven prop wash, my guess.

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I foresee your Test AltHold flight will be scary.
The pilot should not take off in AltHold until the altitude controller has been tested in flight. This should be done by taking off in Stabilize and switching to Alt Hold. While Alt Hold is rarely a problem unless the aircraft has a very low hover throttle.

I would reduce MOT_THST_HOVER to 0.1 or 0.12. your drone is so big, and if you use a spring-back throttle stick RC, I recommend you have a friend help you switch when doing Test alt-hold. practice without propellers installed. It may climb very fast when switched.

Now the frame vibration is high, could be due to the 3" overlap prop wash, not sure. Confirm it again under Althold.

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The design is for operation at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level in mountainous terrain and challenging atmospheric conditions, including turbulence and wind speeds averaging 5 to 6 meters per second.

Then it is very very important to follow the advice from the first reply.

That’s a lot of prop. I would start with a smaller prop setup to reduce stress.

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what is the motor spec and how much is the MTOW of your drone?

Thanks for your reply

the motor i chose is U8 Lite 85kv and prop is G29*9.5 Zoll integrierter.

what is your recommendation for motor spec and prop?

Both with 2.4 times buffer to 100% motor rpm

Hexa is t-motor U10II KV100 + 30*10.5 prop, 18 - 27kg

Octo is hobbywing X6 + 2388 prop, 24 - 40kg. Can’t find X6 old spec.

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What is voltage of battery of your drone?

what do you think about the below config?

Prop : FA 24.2*7.9 Prop fordable
Motor : U8 Lite Efficiency KV150

i know i have to test them with trust stand. but i need you idea about this selection.

12S, for both Hexa and Octo.

The manufacturer did that for 22x6.6 with 150KV. You probably can estimate it with propeller equivalent estimator.
If you look across their different prop size test data, I am not very sure, your pitch 7.9 and the existing test data is 6.6, my guess it may not give you better lift. If you can find 24.2*6.6, maybe it will give the drone more lift.

100% rpm per arm thrust = (MTOW x 2.4)/arms

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Check ESC firmware settings for lowrpm protection :wink:

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i tried so many way and know the drone is flying, but the 4 CW motors spinning slower than the 4 CCW motors.
i have attached the log file

LOG file

what is the reason of low rpm and high rpm