Obstacle Avoidance Heading Orientation

hello all.
if we connect multiple lidar instead of one forward facing lidar, will the drone still rotate its head to find the appropriate path “or” will it use the adjacent lidar(means no need for rotation of head) to calculate the path , in order to avoid obstacle.
i am not able to find the calling of yaw rotating function in the ardupilot firmware.
can u tell me where is this function getting called or implemented.

I think it’s helpful for you :roll_eyes:

Happy flying :slightly_smiling_face:

On the video above @rmackay9 is using the BendingRuler library , look here for bearing scan

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this is only the calculation of rotation angle , where is the code of drone actually getting rotated like target_yaw_rate. can u help me with this matter . thankyou so much.

Wiki is your friend :slight_smile:

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Correct :joy:.

Happy flying :slightly_smiling_face: